Skills for self-reliance (S4S) program
With generous from Daniel and Anders Carlson in USA, the S4S is a five-year program that target 500 young people aged 16-30 years old in northern Uganda region (districts of; Gulu, Kitgum, Amuru, Lamwo, Agago, Pader, Omoro, Nwoya, and Gulu City).
The target group comprises of 60% females and 40% males who come from marginalized background faced with increasing financial constraints as a result of being orphans, single headed young mothers and fathers; social discrimination and stigma due to disabilities and HIV/AIDS. It also targets particularly young women who are victims of sexual abuses and gender based violence.
Additionally, the target group includes those young people roaming the streets in search for survival which leads them to constant crimes such as stealing, robbing, drug abuse and as a result they are being discriminated by the community as “Agu” which literally mean the “the useless” in the community.
The Goal of the project is: To increase self-reliance and engagement of marginalized young people in entrepreneurship and positive contribution in community development in Northern region.
Project Objectives
- To equip 500 targeted young people with appropriate hand-on and experiential learning in vocational skills in Northern Uganda by 2028.
- To increase business engagement, entrepreneurship and job opportunities among young people in Northern Uganda.
- To improve self-esteem, social well-being and physical health of the targeted young people in Northern Uganda.
- To inspire 500 targeted young people to become contributors of positive change in communities.
Current Status
Currently, the program has selected 10 beneficiaries to benefit from the program. The beneficiaries are being trained in vocational skills from Carissa Training Institute in Hairdressing (4), Tailoring (2), Building and construction(1), and Mechanics (3). They are also undergoing mentorship in life-skills, business start-up and management.
SEX: Female
DATE OF BIRTH: 07/06/2005
LOCATION: Oturuloya North, Oitino Ward, Bardege-Layibi Division, Gulu City
VOCATIONAL COURSE: Tailoring/Fashion and Designs
Adokorach Flavia lives with only her mother who sole struggle to take care of her. Her father is a deceased who was a peasant farmer.
Flavia is a primary six (6) school dropout who could not have completed primary level of education to attain Primary Leaving Examination (PLE) certificate required to join secondary school. At her tender age, Flavia and her mother have to do garden work to earn a living.
DREAM AND ASPIRATION: Flavia dream is to become a fashion designer after completing her studies. She also wants to take care of support her aging mothers and siblings through self-employment.
SEX: Female
DATE OF BIRTH: 08/02/2005
LOCATION: Lakwatomer, Koro Sub-county, Omoro District.
VOCATIONAL COURSE: Hairdressing and Cosmetology
BACKGROUND: LAMARO SANDRA lives with her Aunty who is currently taking care of her.
She completed primary seven level but could not join secondary education due to financial constraints. Her mother and father separated when she is still young at age of 6 years old. Her aunt’s only job is to move from door to door to wash people ‘s clothes.
DREAM AND ASPIRATION: Sandra desires to attain financial independency by operating her own business. She also dreams to support fellow girls facing education challenges ad want to be a mentor of girls and young women in her community.
SEX: Male
DATE OF BIRTH: 27/03/2004
LOCATION: Oturuloya cell, Bardege-Layibi Division, Gulu City.
BACKGROUND: William lives with both of his parents. He is a Primary seven school dropout and could not continue with his further education due to financial constraints the parent face. His parents are overwhelmed with great number of dependants. Surviving only through household farming, William only option was to stop going to school and help parents in the garden to enable the family live on.
DREAM AND ASPIRATION: William would like to become mechanic and attain self-sufficiency in life. He dreams to specialize in Motor vehicle mechanics. His desire is get self-employment so can get his family out of poverty.
SEX: Male
DATE OF BIRTH: 03/07/2003
LOCATION: Obiya West cell, ForGod ward, Bardege-Layibi Division, Gulu City.
BACKGROUND: Joe lives with his mother. His father and mother separated some time back when he was still young. Joe is Primary five level school dropout. Her mother is a person living with HIV/AIDS and a peasant farmer with increasing financial constraints.
DREAM AND ASPIRATION: Joe wants to become a professional in auto mechanics. He wants to help his mother who is living Positively.
SEX: Female
DATE OF BIRTH: 02/04/2003
LOCATION: Obiya East cell, ForGod ward, Bardege-Layibi Division, Gulu City.
VOCATIONAL COURSE: Hairdressing and cosmetology
BACKGROUND: Linda is a Primary 6 level school dropout and an orphan (Mother deceased). Linda has been living with her only father. However, due to hardship from home, she decided to get married at teenage age. Her husband is a peasant farmer who struggle to fend for the family.
DREAM AND ASPIRATION: Linda wants to educate her children to the level of University. She wants to get self-employment so she can support her husband. Linda also aspire to become a community mentor on teenage marriage.
SEX: Female
DATE OF BIRTH: 02/02/2002
LOCATION: Pukure, Lacor parish, Lamogi Sub county, Amuru District.
VOCATIONAL COURSE: Hairdressing and cosmetology
BACKGROUND: Patricia got married at teenage age and lives with her husband. She completed primary level education, joined secondary school but dropped out from level 2 due to financial constriants.
DREAM AND ASPIRATION : She dreams to be financially independent and with ability to support her family and educate her children well. She also wants to support fellow young mothers with her skills after completion of the course.
SEX: Female
DATE OF BIRTH: 03/11/2007
LOCATION: Obiya West cell, ForGod ward, Bardege-Layibi Division, Gulu City
VOCATIONAL COURSE: Hairdressing and cosmetology
BACKGROUND: Naome lives with her mother and she is an orphan (father decease). Naome and her mother are both persons living with HIV/AIDS. Since the death of her father, naome and her mother do engage in petty job on a daily basis to make end meet.
DREAM AND ASPIRATION: Naome dreams to be an advocate for HIV prevention and care by empowering children Living with HIV/AIDS and family affected by HIV/AIDS through her skills. She wants to fully take care of her mother after achieving the milestone of completing the course.
SEX: Male
DATE OF BIRTH: 04/05/2004
LOCATION: Zimo, Lamogi Sub county, Amuru District.
VOCATIONAL COURSE: Tailoring/fashion and designs
BACKGROUND: Mary lives with both of her parents who are peasant farmers with very low household income. Due to financial constraint she dropped out of level 1 at secondary school level.
DREAM AND ASPIRATION: Mary wants to get self-employment so she can help herself and family. She wants to spread the skills and knowledge of fashion and designs to fellow young people who are faced with financial constraints so they can have a brighter future as well.
SEX: Male
DATE OF BIRTH: 03/07/2003
LOCATION: Negri cell, ForGod ward, Bardege-Layibi Division, Gulu City.
VOCATIONAL COURSE: Building and construction
BACKGROUND: Aron lives with both parents. However due to economic hardship, he is now living with his Uncle. Aron dropped out from school primary five as his parents could not afford to pay his school fee.
DREAM AND ASPIRATION: Aron wants to become a professional builder and an engineer. He wants help his fellow school drop outs attain a better future through his skills.
SEX: Female
DATE OF BIRTH: 27/12/1998
LOCATION: Langol, minja Sub county, Nwoya District.
VOCATIONAL COURSE: Hairdressing and cosmetology
BACKGROUND: Venessa lives with her Grandmother. Her father and mother separated when she about 4 years old. Venessa is a mother of one child whose married did not work ed out. She survives by selling vegetables at the small market at Lacor. Venessa is an alcoholic addict something she is fighting to abandon.
DREAM AND ASPIRATION : Venessa wants to secure a self-benefiting job by opening her own salon after the course. She wants to be financially independent and be able to support her family and fellow young women who dropped out of schools due to financial constraints.