The picture in Teso is grim, almost half (48.6{ee89e7a1454dd875bede488dfb39e6d9d6d3dc3a1e4c9f7072bf5554858b0bc5}) of the population depends on subsistence/small holder farming compared to the national average of 39{ee89e7a1454dd875bede488dfb39e6d9d6d3dc3a1e4c9f7072bf5554858b0bc5} (UNHS 2021). With poverty standing at 21.9{ee89e7a1454dd875bede488dfb39e6d9d6d3dc3a1e4c9f7072bf5554858b0bc5}, Teso is the fifth poorest region in Uganda (UNHS 2021). While Uganda as a whole is largely food secure some regions, including Teso are prone to food stress (MAAIF 2019).
SOCADIDO has a dream to further support small holder farmers to boost food production and productivity, increase household income, increase Agri-product value addition and knowledge on climate smart agriculture.
In our current strategy, we intend to improve livelihood resilience of 84,000 household caregivers and youths by 2026
Human survival, security and well-being is buttressed by the state of the environment and its ecosystems. Teso bears a disproportionate impact of the weather vagaries. The sub region has different ecological zones, however those bordering Karamoja are more prone to dryer spells. Flash floods and prolonged droughts are therefore more common in these areas specifically Amuria and Katakwi districts (NEMA 2019).
SOCADIDO currently focuses its efforts on; increasing the adoption of the climate mitigation and adaptation practices, increased adoption of agroforestry, increased capacity of district disaster management committees, increased restoration and conservation of the eco- system.
We envisage to strengthen capacity of 500,000 community members and 1,000 duty bearers to sustainably manage and utilize (conserve and restore) natural resources to lessen the effects of climate change by 2026
Nationally, nearly 8 in 10 households have access to an improved source of drinking water (90{ee89e7a1454dd875bede488dfb39e6d9d6d3dc3a1e4c9f7072bf5554858b0bc5} in urban, compared to 74{ee89e7a1454dd875bede488dfb39e6d9d6d3dc3a1e4c9f7072bf5554858b0bc5} in rural areas). Only 19{ee89e7a1454dd875bede488dfb39e6d9d6d3dc3a1e4c9f7072bf5554858b0bc5} of households in Uganda use improved sanitation.
SOCADIDO works towards improving access to safe water, sanitation and good hygiene services both at community and institutional level
We have a conviction to improve access to and use of Safe Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) for 84,000 households and 500,000 persons by 2026
In Uganda, 1 in 4 adolescent women aged 15-19 are already mothers or pregnant with their first child. Teenage childbearing is higher in rural areas (27{ee89e7a1454dd875bede488dfb39e6d9d6d3dc3a1e4c9f7072bf5554858b0bc5}) than in urban areas (19{ee89e7a1454dd875bede488dfb39e6d9d6d3dc3a1e4c9f7072bf5554858b0bc5}).
Moreover, in Teso only 30{ee89e7a1454dd875bede488dfb39e6d9d6d3dc3a1e4c9f7072bf5554858b0bc5} of married women aged 15-49 use any method of family planning compared to 39{ee89e7a1454dd875bede488dfb39e6d9d6d3dc3a1e4c9f7072bf5554858b0bc5} nationally (DHS 2016). 28{ee89e7a1454dd875bede488dfb39e6d9d6d3dc3a1e4c9f7072bf5554858b0bc5} of married women have an unmet need for family planning i.e., they want to stop childbirth but aren’t using any methods.
SOCADIDO directs its efforts towards increasing access to and utilisation of nutrition services, access and utilisation of maternal child services and access to and utilisation of adolescent and youth sexual reproductive health services
We envisage to increase access to and utilization of the available healthcare services for 305,000 women, children and youths by 2026
The major driver of conflict in the region is land. Moreover, with the highest fertility rate in the country, 5.9 compared to the national average of 4.7 (UNHS, 2021) land will continue to be a resource in short supply in the Teso sub region. With 90{ee89e7a1454dd875bede488dfb39e6d9d6d3dc3a1e4c9f7072bf5554858b0bc5} of the land in Teso held under the customary land tenure, conflicts are common because of unclear boundaries (GIZ 2019).
SOCADIDO focuses on reducing cases of violence against women and children, reducing land disputes, strengthening community managed systems to prevent and respond to violence and land disputes and increasing access to psychosocial support to survivors of violence.
Our conviction is to strengthen community-based social protection system to reduce incidences and impact of GBV, violence against children and land disputes by 50{ee89e7a1454dd875bede488dfb39e6d9d6d3dc3a1e4c9f7072bf5554858b0bc5} by 2026.

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