Nationally, nearly 8 in 10 households have access to an
improved source of drinking water (90{ee89e7a1454dd875bede488dfb39e6d9d6d3dc3a1e4c9f7072bf5554858b0bc5} in urban,
compared to 74{ee89e7a1454dd875bede488dfb39e6d9d6d3dc3a1e4c9f7072bf5554858b0bc5} in rural areas). Only 19{ee89e7a1454dd875bede488dfb39e6d9d6d3dc3a1e4c9f7072bf5554858b0bc5} of households
in Uganda use improved sanitation.
SOCADIDO works towards improving access to safe water,
sanitation and good hygiene services both at community
and institutional level
We have a conviction to improve access to and use of Safe
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) for 84,000
households and 500,000 persons by 2026.