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The major driver of conflict in the region is land. Moreover,
with the highest fertility rate in the country, 5.9 compared to
the national average of 4.7 (UNHS, 2021) land will continue
to be a resource in short supply in the Teso sub region.
With 90{ee89e7a1454dd875bede488dfb39e6d9d6d3dc3a1e4c9f7072bf5554858b0bc5} of the land in Teso held under the customary
land tenure, conflicts are common because of unclear
boundaries (GIZ 2019).
SOCADIDO focuses on reducing cases of violence against
women and children, reducing land disputes, strengthening
community managed systems to prevent and respond to
violence and land disputes and increasing access to
psychosocial support to survivors of violence.
Our conviction is to strengthen community-based social
protection system to reduce incidences and impact of GBV,
violence against children and land disputes by 50{ee89e7a1454dd875bede488dfb39e6d9d6d3dc3a1e4c9f7072bf5554858b0bc5} by

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