Human survival, security and well-being is buttressed by
the state of the environment and its ecosystems. Teso
bears a disproportionate impact of the weather vagaries.
The sub region has different ecological zones, however
those bordering Karamoja are more prone to dryer spells.
Flash floods and prolonged droughts are therefore more
common in these areas specifically Amuria and Katakwi
districts (NEMA 2019).
SOCADIDO currently focuses its efforts on; increasing the
adoption of the climate mitigation and adaptation practices,
increased adoption of agroforestry, increased capacity of
district disaster management committees, increased
restoration and conservation of the eco- system.
We envisage to strengthen capacity of 500,000 community
members and 1,000 duty bearers to sustainably manage
and utilize (conserve and restore) natural resources to
lessen the effects of climate change by 2026