About Us


Welcome to SOCADIDO

Soroti Catholic Diocese Integrated Development Organization (SOCADIDO) is the development arm of the Catholic Diocese of Soroti mandated to initiate and implement development programmes that are intended to better the living conditions of people in the Teso Sub region. The organization has been in existence since 1981 and is a sister organization of the Ugandan association Caritas Uganda. The legal owner of the organization is the Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Soroti. The aim of the organization is to ensure the availability and access to social and economic services for communities in the Teso Sub-region.

Our Objectives

In fulfilling its mission, SOCADIDO works on achieving the following objectives:

  • To improve sustainable livelihoods and income security through sustainable and profitable enterprises
  • To improve community resilience to disasters and climate change mitigation and adaptation
  • • To alleviate the deprivation, vulnerability and powerlessness of poor girls and their families Gender mainstreaming, social accountability, equity and inclusion, collaborative engagement and networking in all our programming
  • To promote access to safe and clean water, hygiene and sanitation promotion and access to water for production
  • To improve capacity of SOCADIDO to sustainably deliver effective and efficient services to communities in Teso Sub-region


Our Governance

SOCADIDO is governed by a policy Board of Directors that provides overall guidance and oversight.

The Bishop: The Bishop is SOCADIDO’s legal holder whose roles are; provide overall leadership as a Patron, institute the Board, appoint the DDC, safeguards the interests of the community and the development partners and provide compliance with the ecclesiastical values and principles.

The Board: This forms the policy apex of SOCADIDO mandated to; approve policies, check performance goals, ensure corporate compliance and safeguard community interests and concerns.

Management: This team oversees the day-to-day operations of the organization and reports to the Board and/or to the Bishop through the DDC.  It manages the financial, human and physical resources of the organization for proper implementation of programmes/activities as per established policies and negotiate with donors

The Staff: These are distributed into programme, administrative and support, each member being recruited as per requisite qualifications and experience. They are organized in such a manner that the activities and programmes of the organization are implemented in an efficient and effective way.


What We stand For

SOCADIDO is built on the values of Christ centered stewardship; Preferential option for the vulnerable; Subsidiarity; Transparency; Partnership; and Professionalism


Prosperous, Self-reliant and Peaceful Teso


To empower the Teso communities to attain sustainable socioeconomic development.

Customer Support

Labtechician Team